We take pride in supporting your business and the solutions that drive your success with professional services delivered by experts. This means being a partner with you, for you, when you need us.

All services are billable by definition. Examples of billable services are:

  • Meetings and communication including phone calls, chat and emails.
  • Internal meetings, discussions, work sessions, including gathering requirements, planning for activities, and designing solutions.
  • Investigating, troubleshooting, testing to re-produce or provide a solution, including documenting and coordinating escalation requests to Microsoft or third-parties. 
  • Managing requests and support tickets.
  • Providing solution documentation and/or information.
  • Setting up apps, validating license keys, managing user access or license assignments.
  • Managing updates for Business Central or apps.

We are not compensated by software providers such as Microsoft for our efforts when engaging with you. When we raise a support ticket on your behalf we are charged by Microsoft and are not compensated for our time researching, troubleshooting, replicating or deploying an update or a revision. If there is a product issue and we work together to address, it is is a billable activity.  

We do not charge for our internal learning time related to the products we sell.  Nor do we charge for managing your licensing (adding/removing subscriptions, providing license files or keys), demonstrations and providing proposals. We do not charge for the time it takes for us to resolve an issue we create.  This, however, does not include situations where:

  • The scope or nature of what is requested changes.
  • The actual effort required to complete a request is more than previously expected or budgeted.
  • The actions (data entry, process used) of a user results in an unexpected behavior in your solution.

Our services are delivered on a time and materials (hourly billedbasis, this means we bill all the hours of work we perform on a request. We actively manage the scope and effort invested in a request, and keep you informed of our progress and remaining effort when it can be known. 

Our helpdesk team responds to all requests and all effort is billable, it’s your responsibility to make sure the person sending a support request has the authority. By contacting the helpdesk, you are approving up to two hours of effort. The minimum billed is 15 minutes (0.25 hours). If the effort to complete a request can be estimated, an estimate will be provided for requests requiring more than two hours of estimated effort to complete, and your approval will be required before we proceed with the work. Not all activities can be estimated. Troubleshooting and reconciliations are examples of activities we cannot estimate as we cannot know how long it might take to get to the root cause.

We bill services monthly, at the end of the month, and the default payment term is Net 20. Our finance team reviews accounts on a regular basis and outstanding overdue accounts are put on hold pending resolution. Accounts should be kept current to avoid a disruption is services. If you have questions about an invoice, please contact your account manager.