Note:  Files under 5 MB can be sent via email. For larger files, please use our secure file transfer service, for which you should have a share link and password from your ODT contact. If you do not have these details, contact your ODT representative.

1. Click on the link you received, it will look like this: A page will open, it will look like this one:

2. Enter your password, you will have received it with the link. 

ISafeSend might have been used. If so, you will have received a link that looks like this:  

Click on the link to retrieve your password BE CAREFUL! Make sure to copy the password and keep it in a safe place as the link to retrieve it will only work once. 

3. You will now be in your dedicated folder where you can upload, download and edit files.

Here is an example of what your folder might look like:

  • You can upload files with the New button

  • You can also download and edit files through the ellipsis(...)

4. Let your ODT contact know when the transfer is completed to advise the file is available. There is a default expiry date set on these files.  If shared access is required and you are no longer able to access please advise and we can renew.